Earliest Effects Of Mesothelioma
The earliest effects of Mesothelioma are often mistaken for the symptoms of cold, virus or flu. It is often not diagnosed until it has progressed beyond the treatable stage. Even when Mesothelioma does not develop, asbestosis and other asbestos- related conditions can cause pain, restricted breathing and other difficulties. When asbestos exposure combines with smoking, it increases the risk of developing lung cancer.
One can be exposed to asbestos in many ways but the most common type of asbestos exposure is occupational or work-related. Asbestos was previously used in the construction industry, auto industry, on the railroads and shipyards and in many factories that made items coated with or woven with asbestos. Thus workers employed in these places were exposed to the ill-effects of asbestos. People who live in the vicinity of asbestos plants also get exposed to asbestos present in the environment. In addition, there is a significant risk of exposure to asbestos in some older buildings where asbestos- laced materials were used in construction. When they are disturbed during renovations, demolition or when flooring, ceilings and walls become damaged, there is considerable risk from breathing in the life-threatening fibers of asbestos.